If you travel the roads and highways in this part of the country it’s necessary to remain alert. There is an abundance of deer in the area. It’s not uncommon to see these graceful beasts bounding across a field or stepping out of the woods. The deer can move so swiftly they seem to appear out of nowhere.Suddenly they are there and you had better react quickly.There’s a strange phenomenon associated with deer. If you happen upon one crossing the road at night they often look into the headlights and freeze as if they were hypnotized.If fortune is with you and you’ve been praying, perhaps you’ll have enough time to get your vehicle stopped.Often it’s not necessary, but flashing your lights and honking the horn will break the spell and everyone goes on with life…
We call that stunned, hypnotized reaction to the headlights “the look of a deer in the headlights” the description is not real clever but once you see it you’ll understand the look.
That “look” can be found on the human face as well…stunned, hypnotized, unable to react, no doubt the effects of fear.
The “look of a deer in the headlights” pretty well describes the expression on the face of the European Union right now!
As Iranian President Ahmadinejadand company become increasingly more belligerent, the EU seems unable to react.Someone had better flash the lights and honk the horn...somebody’s going to get hurt!The word is that
While it’s true the madman Ahmadinejad has promised to wipe
There is an excellent article written by our friend Stan Goodenough and posted the Jerusalem Newswire titled “
"A few months ago Iranian President "Adolph" Ahmadinejad vowed to wipe the State of Israel off the face of the earth. Simultaneously he denied that his Nazi hero had ever perpetrated the Holocaust.
Both before and since voicing that threat and that lie,
“We will do what we want to do, and there is nothing that you can do about it.”
Two days ago this message was sent out again in the form of a fiery-tailed multi-warhead monster that was successfully test-fired at the start of
Revolutionary Guards air force chief General Hussein Salami told Iranian TV the Fajr-3 missile:
"Can simultaneously hit several targets, has near stealth capabilities with a high maneuverability, pinpoint accuracy and radar avoidance features.”
The entire article can be readHERE
Our thanks go to Stan and the crew at the
For some great insight into matters concerning
Stan Goodenough’s“Jerusalem Watchman”
"Zionist.com"the blog ofRyan Jones
You can drop by here again and thank me for the tip later..
As if missiles through the air were not enough of a threat from
The Islamic Republic News Agencyreported this;
Deputy commander of the Navy Forces of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) General Ali Fadavi told Central News Bureau (Islamic Republic of Iran's Broadcasting) that the domestically made missile, called `Hut', hits its target with a maximum speed of 100 meters per second.”
It would seem with the unrest inside
In any case, there isn’t time for anyone to be caught with the “look of a deer in the headlights”; otherwise innocent people are certain to get hurt.
God bless